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Each year, The Salvation Army provides over 10 million nights of shelter to those in need.
Scroll down for info on our housing programs.
About 15% of the homeless population in the United States is comprised of 'chronically homeless' individuals. This population is especially vulnerable during the hottest and coldest months of the year.
The Salvation Army has served San Diego for 130 years - including 267,000+ needy individuals in San Diego County last year. We continue to serve those experiencing homelessness in our neighborhoods.
Our housing options for those experiencing homelessness provide care to those in need. In addition, we supplement every shelter service with emotional and spiritual support.
Along with meeting immediate physical needs such as food and shelter, these establishments provide educational, counseling and vocational services to help individuals develop vital life skills and independence for re-entry into society.
CARS - Coordinated Assistance through Residential Stability
CARS is designed to assist first-time homeless individuals and couples to obtain stability and full-time employment with the goal of transitioning back into stable permanent housing.
Opening in in 2006, CARS operates 6 beds at 825-7th Ave. Clients are provided comprehensive case management. Clients must be alcohol and drug-free and be willing to work full-time.
STEPS - Shelter Transitional Employment Program Services
STEPS provides homeless clients with the tools necessary to become self-sufficient. Clients are provided with transitional shelter and taught the skills necessary to seek, obtain, and maintain employment. STEPS prepares each client with the knowledge required for success in independent living. Clients may remain in the program up to one year. Clients must be alcohol and drug-free and be willing to work full-time.
Year after year, within weeks of arriving at STEPS, nearly 70% of men find full-time jobs. Over 80% of men save enough money to successfully move into permanent housing.
Read more here or call for information: (619) 699-2217.
The Salvation Army has a team of outreach workers who visit pre-established sites frequented by the homeless population, i.e. parks, beaches, feeding sites, areas surrounding shelters, and occasionally churches. They help provide information on various social service resources for housing, mental health, job training programs, drug and alcohol treatment, case management, food, clothing, financial assistance, transportation and other services.
Our Homeless Services Team also provides direct and referral services.
FREE Dinner on the 1st Monday of every month at 6pm.
Family Service Programs
The Salvation Army assists families in need by providing food, housing and utility assistance.
For more information on our Family Services programs, please call (619) 699-2216. Office hours are 9:00am-11:45 pm and 1:00 pm-3:00 pm, Monday-Thursday; Closed: Friday
Click here for information about our housing options for women and children.